Syed Nadeem Ahsan Syed Nadeem Ahsan

Software Bug Prediction Using Program Files Logical-Coupling Metrics

In the recent years several research studies reveal that the presence of logical couplings make the structure of the software system unstable, and any new changes in the coupled source files become more error prone. Hence, logically-coupled source files are strong candidate for restructuring. Software metrics and visualization techniques are used to identify source files, which are logically coupled with other source files.

Aleksei Alekseev

Reduction of human factor in Enterprise Software Development

In this paper we will describe the principles of tools development for Enterprise Software Development, which reduce developer’s errors. These principles will be illustrated by the example of Company Instrumentation for Microsoft .NET.

Sergei Andrzeevski Sergei Andrzeevski

The main challenges of implementing fixed-price agile projects for corporate customers

This report deals with the difficulties development teams encounter in delivering fixed-price agile projects for traditional corporate clients. The report also lays out the rationale for the agile approach to fixed-price contracts, and cites examples of successful implementations.

Mikhail Belov Mikhail Belov

Optimizing the Process of Implementing a New Corporative System to the End User

The process of migrating from one corporative product to another has some difficulties. Especially, these issues are noticeable if the outdated system worked for a long period of time; it stores a great amount of data, which need to be transferred to the new system.

Lars Bendix Lars Bendix

Issues and Challenges with Industrial-Strength Product Composition

One way to deal with product lines and products that have to exist in many variants is to use a componentbased approach. This allows a lot of flexibility in creating new products and can reduce time and costs.However, the flexibility in composing products from a base of components is not without problems.

Radovan Brečka Radovan Brečka

Configuration - oriented programming

Development cycle of information systems, especially maintenance and modifications, is still time- consuming and expensive. This paper presents a new programming paradigm, the Configuration-oriented programming (COP), which introduces a new dimension – configuration – into the Object-oriented programming paradigm (OOP).

Aleksandar Dimov Aleksandar Dimov

Mutation testing framework for software reliability model analysis and reliability estimation

After several years of research, even today estimation of software reliability is extremely challenging. The undeterministic nature of the factors that contribute to the reliability estimation has led to the development of numerous statistical models for this purpose.

Oleg Garipov

Conceptual models of heterogeneous data representation

In our work we analyze few most popular approaches which can used to represent heterogeneous data. Our special attention was given to ER model, ORM model, RM/T model, functional approach, semantic networks and ontology.

Grigory Gusev Grigory Gusev

Practical Review of Software Requirements

Quality of the requirements is more important than quality of any other work document of the software lifecycle. On the other hand, typical requirements quality assurance methods, such as peer review are always costly and often detect only formal and cosmetic defects.

Bogumila Hnatkowska Bogumila Hnatkowska

Logical Data Model Transformations Driven by Non-functional Requirements

MDA can be easy adopted to data models. Conceptual, logical, and physical database models can be regarded as PIM, PSM and code level within MDA architecture. MDA transformations concentrate on functional demands and aim in data preservation.

Vladimir Itsykson Vladimir Itsykson

Source code modification technology based on parameterized code patterns

Source code modification is one of the most frequent operations which developers perform in software life cycle. Such operation can be performed in order to add new functionality, fix bugs or bad code style, optimize performance, increase readability, etc.

Vladimir Itsykson Vladimir Itsykson

Clone Detection: Why, What and How?

Excessive code duplication is a bane of modern software development. Several experimental studies show that on average 15 percent of a software system can contain source code clones – repeatedly reused fragments of similar code. While code duplication may increase the speed of initial software development, it undoubtedly leads to problems during software maintenance and support. That is why many developers agree that software clones should be detected and dealt with at every stage of software development life cycle.

Alexander Kalouguine Alexander Kalouguine

Effective communications for small outsourcing software-engineering projects

The paper deals with pitfalls that waylay young managers working on outsourcing projects for foreign customers.

Vladimir Kovalevsky Vladimir Kovalevsky

Adaptation of SCRUM methodology to company business processes

Why companies with existing well-established processes in the development need SCRUM. How agile methodologies improve efficiency of companies. We consider the main issues that the author encountered in the implementation of SCRUM methodology in practice.

Julia Kryuchkova Julia Kryuchkova

Implementing usability methods into CMMI-compliant software development process

In this talk we will discuss problems of implementing usability methods into CMMI-compliant software development process

Mikhail Kumskov Mikhail Kumskov

Processes and People

The report focuses on relative characteristics of the process management and activity management used in software development methodologies. As an example, the methodology IBM Rational Unified Process (RUP) and the Agile methodology are discussed.

Irina Kuzmina Irina Kuzmina

Practical Realization of Software Integration Process during the Development of Complex Hardware-Software Systems (English)

Progress in the field of information technology and radio engineering along with customer requirements lead to development of more and more complex multicompanent radio-systems

Vsevolod Leonov Vsevolod Leonov

Problems and directions of development in RAD tooling

Methods of visual programming or rapid application design provided a low entry level into realm of applied software engineering. The very simple methodology predefined the ergonomic perfectness for visual programming IDE, that defines strong demand for existing tools, but sets some limitation on the direction of growth.

Alexander Lipanov Alexander Lipanov

Interactive 3D scene modeling and visualization system

In this scientific report the visual system for 3D scene creation for the purpose of design and visualization of various objects’ behavior scenarios on the stage, their interaction with each other and also with the participation of user is described.

Alexander Lipanov Alexander Lipanov

Expert system for software source code quality analysis

In this scientific report the expert system of source code quality analysis using metrics calculation is being described. Modern software products provide functionalities for counting source code metrics, but their values are non-normalized and don’t have the limits of measurement.

Andrey Lubenets Andrey Lubenets

Contemporary SDKs As a Means for Integrating R&D-Intensive Technologies into Third-Party Applications

ABBYY’s flagship products include FineReader, an optical character recognition system, and Lingvo, a set of electronic dictionaries

Mikhail Moiseev Mikhail Moiseev

Defect detection for multithreaded programs with semaphore-based synchronization

The solution to the problem of automatic defects detection in multithreaded programs is covered in this paper. General approaches for defect detection are considered. Static analysis is chosen because of its full automation and soundness properties. Overview of papers about static analysis usage for defect detection in parallel programs is presented.

Naeem Muhammad Naeem Muhammad

A Parallelism Viewpoint to Analyze Performance Bottlenecks of Parallelism-Intensive Software Systems

The use of parallelism enhances the performance of a software system. However, its excessive use candegrade the system performance. In this paper we propose a parallelism viewpoint to optimize the use ofparallelism by eliminating unnecessarily used parallelism in legacy systems.

Mina Bostrom Nakicenovic Mina Bostrom Nakicenovic

A Pragmatic Approach for Message Modeling - A Case study in an agile organization

This case-study describes how to introduce a pragmatic Model Driven Development (MDD) approach in a large, world-wide financial services software company with a conservative culture and high time-to-market constraints.

Uolevi Nikula Uolevi Nikula

Comparison of Two Models of Success Prediction in Software Development Projects

The objective of this paper is to compare two existing models of success prediction (The Standish Group and McConnell models) and to determine their strengths and weaknesses. The research was done as an empirical study.

Anna Obukhova Anna Obukhova

Fixed Price Agile Projects. How it works

This paper focuses on the management of the Agile projects running under Fixed Price Contracts.

Luis Olsina Luis Olsina

Integrating Quality, Quality in Use, Actual Usability and User Experience

Selecting and using a quality model is usually a first step in evaluating software quality.

Aleksandar Orlic Aleksandar Orlic

Implementation by Capture with Executable UML

Despite all the progress and raise of abstraction involved in the software development, the main building block of each software system is still the traditional, mostly manually written, “line of code”. This paper is about the solution to low-level model behavior “coding”, applied by my team in the context of development of the executable UML tool “Enterprise Analyst”.

Dmitry Ovechkin Dmitry Ovechkin

Three-Level Planning in Agile, Tracking and Reaction

In my speech I am going to tell about real experience in a multi-level planning in Agile what was adopted and tested in a real development center. Also I will touch a reaction mechanism on a customer when he changes plans and scope and what you need to be ready to that.

Ivan Padabed Ivan Padabed

Architecture lifecycle management in the SharePoint world

This article is the summary of author’s research and development experience in architecting Microsoft SharePoint solutions. SharePoint is a key word here because of some interesting aspects of solution development based on this platform. We have got some great researches out of any technological restrictions but in this particular article we came from the other side. We will not apply these architecture guidances to our project but we will see how project development requires architecture evolutionary changes.

Oleg Ridchenko Oleg Ridchenko

”Mind the Gap” – How to Manage Growth of Customer’s Expectations

Maintaining good relationships with a customer over a long period of time has never been an easy task especially in the case of remote collaboration.

Vladimir Rubanov Vladimir Rubanov

Header-Driven Generation of Sanity API Tests for Shared Libraries

This paper discusses an approach for low cost automatic generation of basic tests for shared libraries based on the information in library header files and additional information about semantics of some library data types.

Andrey Sadovykh Andrey Sadovykh

Enterprise Architecture Modeling with SoaML using BMM and BPMN – MDA Approach in Practice

In this paper we focus on our experience with SoaML obtained with Statoil case study, briefly describe the developed Model Driven Architecture (MDA) based methodology for modeling enterprise architectures with BMM, BPMN and SoaML, which we illustrate with a “Discount Voyages” example. Finally, we present Statoil case study and outline the future research directions.

Anton Salov Anton Salov

Russian SaaS Monetization: Present Trends and Future Outlook

Statistics on use of services in Russia: demand, supply market of SaaS, the client requests services on the areas of IT (on its own research project Softcloud, company Softline)

Evgeny Smirnov Evgeny Smirnov

IBM helps to develop your business

In this talk authors will consider advantages for SW companies to use IBM technologies & products in development process

Ekaterina Stepalina Ekaterina Stepalina

SaaS Support in Software Documentation Systems

In recent days more and more software developments tools become distributed by the SaaS (Software-As-A-Service) model alongside with ready-to-install products. Software documentation systems can also be purchased by a subscription now.

Maxim Talanov Maxim Talanov

Concept mining for programming automation

Software engineering is at the very start of it’s automation. There are a lot of helpers, code-generators, IDE-s and so on that does not really help to automate the complete software development life-circle from Functional requirements specification till the actual code.

Andrey Urazov Andrey Urazov

Quality-Oriented Programming

The talk is dedicated to constructing software development process in a way so as to ensure implementation of software products with minimum amount of defects and reducing the time required to release a product which is in contradiction with the common belief that increasing software quality implies delaying delivery dates

Dmitry Vavilov Dmitry Vavilov

Perspectives of Stereo 3D TV Applications Development

Analysis of major world trends in implementation of 3D video and graphics support in digital video processing and display systems allowed the authors preparing hints on Stereo 3D application development how to surmount the lack of Stereo 3D content

Vadim Veyber Vadim Veyber

Model driven approach for Oil & Gas information systems and applications integration

The need for interoperability is prominent in the industrial enterprise environment. Different information systems and applications that cover the overall range of the industrial infrastructure from the field to the enterprise level need to interoperate

Sergey Zhukov Sergey Zhukov

A Language-based Approach to Implementing Multi-Vendor Support in an AdvancedTCA Shelf Manager

The Pigeon Point® AdvancedTCA® Shelf Manager software supports multiple types of shelves produced by multiple vendors. While the number of supported platform configurations grew over time, hard coding platform-specific features in the software became impractical. A language-based approach has been designed and a new language for describing hardware platforms has been developed.

Rok Zontar Rok Zontar

Internationalization aspects in developing web applications for Central and East Europe

This paper presents technological guidelines for the development of multilingual web applications. It sums up some existing solutions and introduces a few ideas on how to handle multi-language data. Based on authors’ experience and a literature review, guidelines are introduced.

Eugene Zouev Eugene Zouev

Semantic APIs for Programming Languages

The evolution of approaches to the design of advanced language oriented tools for non-compilation manipulations on programs is discussed

Sergey Zykov Sergey Zykov

The integrated methodology of pattern-based enterprise application development and maintenance

The problem of building and maintaining distributed large-scale software applications is really a serious challenge. Therewith, an integral methodological approach is required to conquer the complexity and challenges. The paper presents the approach outline, and discusses a number of successful implementations based on the pattern management methodology.